Hi, I’m Daniella

Like most coaches I was already doing what I’m doing, just not formally and not getting paid. I’m a classic type-A list maker, action item lover who also has been doing yoga since I was 9, went to a performing arts school for dance, dreams of a life that includes daily swims at the beach. For most of my life I felt badly about all the passions I had that seemed to go in so many different directions and had constant anxiety about feeling unfulfilled in jobs that were supposed to make me happy. I finally realized I was actively denying what I already knew I wanted to do. Denying is probably the wrong word, I was too busy doing the things I have to do. I just needed to put more focus and time into what I wanted to do. Black womxn do this a lot. And I’m not here to lie to you and tell you to drop all your responsibilities and follow your dreams. Because we live in this real world and not fantasy-land. I am here to say that we can smartly figure out a way to keep your responsibilities at bay, maximize your free time so you can pour more energy into those dreams that nag you. Maybe one day your dream is your full-time thing, but if not the process to getting there will make you feel like you’re on the right track.


So what is Duende?