Snacks, Magazines and a laugh.

“The road to enlightenment is long and difficult, and you should try not to forget snacks and magazines.”— Anne Lamott

So I’ve been away for a bit and for good reason. I had a baby (unsolicited photo above). Normally I’d try to make everything seem normal and separate my personal life from work, but what I love about my coaching business is that it blurs the line between my “work life” and “personal life.”This is something that I have struggled with throughout my career and think a lot of fellow women do as well. Where to draw that line, whether to do away with the line all together and is there a point of no return when it comes to setting those boundaries again. It seems so easy for others (ahem white men) to navigate those in-betweens and bring their whole selves to their work lives. I want more of that in my life.

What I’ve learned is that accountability is key when it comes to these types of things and if you’re like me and struggle with this, I invite you to figure out what type of accountability works for you. My cocktail of accountability is a combination of setting small goals, e.g. share a personal story this week at the office, and timed check-ins with myself, e.g. how do you feel about you interaction with colleagues this week?

Your steps toward enlightenment may seem small and insignificant but don’t minimize your efforts. They are key building blocks to developing your confidence in bringing your whole self to all spaces.

The reality though is that it is a process. Work that will likely continue for a long time, so might as well get comfortable and be kind to yourself when you stumble.




Get over yourself.


Under Pressure